Roberto Dellantonio

Roberto Dellantonio

Full Stack Software Developer
Predazzo, Italia
Something about me

As a recent graduate of the University of Trento with a degree in Information Engineering and Business Organization, I have gained a strong foundation in computer science and a passion for developing scalable, reliable and efficient solutions for complex software projects. In addition to my studies, I also completed a three-month internship in Barcelona at an e-commerce company, where I gained hands-on experience in web marketing and e-commerce development.
Since April 2023, I have been working as a Full Stack developer at Fleap, where I have been actively contributing to the development of simple and reliable software solutions for the company. In my career, I have had the opportunity to work with talented teams of developers and have developed a range of skills and expertise.
Some of my key achievements include:

  • πŸš€ Successfully developed and launched an e-commerce platform for a family business

  • πŸ“ˆ Contributed to the development of various software projects, consistently meeting project deadlines and exceeding quality standards

  • πŸ’» Demonstrated strong problem-solving and communication skills in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment

  • πŸ™ Developed many personal projects with new technologies and published on my personal GitHub portfolio with an important documentation.

  • πŸ“… In the future, I am eager to continue learning and growing as a software engineer, and hope to take on more leadership roles and work on challenging and meaningful projects that make a positive impact.

Why I Chose Information Engineering and Business Organization

I want to share with you my story of how and why I chose to pursue a bachelor degree on Information Engineering and Business Organization. This is a course that combines technical and business skills to design, develop, and manage information systems. I hope that by reading my story, you will get some insights and inspiration for your own educational and career choices.

I have always been interested in technology and how it can be used to solve problems and create value. I also wanted to learn more about the business side of things, such as how to start and run a tech company, how to market and sell products or services, and how to innovate and compete in the digital world. That's why I decided to enroll in the course of Information Engineering and Business Organization at the University of Trento in Italy. This course offered me the opportunity to study both tech and business in the same program, and to acquire a wide and clear view of a broad spectrum of knowledge that I need in order to run a tech company.

What I learned

During my bachelor studies, I learned a lot of topics and skills that are relevant and useful for my future career. Some of the main topics that I learned were software development, data analysis, web development, user interface design, database design, information security, project management, business analysis, innovation, and marketing. I also learned how to use various tools and languages, such as Python, Java, C++, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Django, Excel, Tableau, etc. I also had the chance to work on various projects, both individually and in teams, that allowed me to apply what I learned in practice and to develop my creativity and problem-solving skills.

The main challenges

Of course, studying this course was not easy and I faced many challenges and difficulties along the way. Some of the challenges that I faced were general university difficulties, such as managing my time, studying for exams, writing papers, etc. But some of the challenges were more specific to this course, such as understanding and integrating the technical and business aspects of the course, dealing with complex and abstract concepts, and keeping up with the fast-paced and ever-changing nature of the tech industry. Another challenge that I faced was the living situation, as I had to move from home and go to the city in a rented apartment. As a young man, at the beginning, it was not so easy to adapt to a new environment and to live independently.

The main rewards

However, despite the challenges and difficulties, I also had many rewarding and enjoyable experiences during this course. I met many amazing people, such as professors, classmates, and friends, who helped me, supported me, and inspired me throughout my journey. I also had the opportunity to participate in various events and activities, such as hackathons, workshops, seminars, etc., that enriched my learning and networking experience. I also had fun and learned a lot from working on side projects, such as building websites, apps, games, etc., that allowed me to express my passion and creativity for technology and business.

In conclusion, I can say that choosing this course was one of the best decisions that I ever made. It helped me achieve my personal and professional goals, and it prepared me for the challenges and opportunities that await me in the future. I think that this course is a great option for anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in the tech industry, as it provides a solid foundation and a competitive edge in both technical and business domains. However, this course is also demanding and challenging, and it requires a lot of dedication, hard work, and open-mindedness. Therefore, my tips and advice for anyone who is considering this course are: be serious, work hard, and keep an open mind. Also, try to keep working on side projects to sharpen and experience what you learn. And most importantly, have fun and enjoy the journey. 😊

My educations
  • Information Engineering and Business Organization
    • Why I Chose Information Engineering and Business Organization

I'd like to begin with a premise: my family has been in the butcher business for generations.

Over the years, we've established several successful butcher shops in our city.

While pursuing my studies, I had the valuable opportunity to contribute to our family business and gain insights into its operations.

A persistent question lingered in my mind: "How can I apply my academic knowledge to enhance our family business?"

This contemplation became the inspiration for my thesis.

"Blockchain Innovation in the Agri-food Supply Chain"

That was the title of my thesis.

I delved into exploring the potential applications of blockchain in the agri-food supply chain.

Specifically, I conducted a case study on a butcher shop, aiming to discern how blockchain technology could elevate its operations.

I am immensely proud of the results I achieved. You can review the details here.